About US

Family Run, Established in 2018

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness”
– Luke 6:31

Our Story

Established in 2018

Todd and Becky are high school sweethearts and tied the knot in June of 1998.  Both taught and coached at their high school alma mater until 6 years into it, the Triple T’s began making their entrance into the world – Troop in 2004, Tate in 2005 and Trott in 2007.  Becky continued coaching, but stepped away from teaching to be home with the kids while Todd continued (and still continues) teaching and coaching.  Desiring that our kids recognize the value of hard work and serving others, the idea of Triple T’s was born!  Page after page could be written with stories of how our journey led us here, but we have NO doubt that God opened the doors for us, and we pray He uses our family and this business to love and serve others.  Our journey has taught us that life can sometimes be messy and hard, but God is good!  

We love GOD

we love FAMILY

and we love YOU!


What We Offer

Client/Corporate Gifts

Click on the image to contact us for details.


Click on the image to contact us for details.

Wedding Bars

Click on the image to contact us for details.

Come Visit us!

Or Shop Online

We would love to see you at our store, but understand if you can’t make it during these times. But don’t worry, you can still get our delicious popcorn delivered directly to you.

5768 Grandscape Blvd. #150, The Colony, TX 75056

Mon-Tues: Closed

Wed-Thurs: 12-7 PM

Fri-Sat: 12-8 PM

Sunday: 12-6 PM


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